Group booking is defined as 10 or more passengers occupying seats, booked together,all travelling on the same route, date and flight on the same PNR. It includes any time of…
Author: ala ahmed

Online travel agencies are the new trend of the industry that most of the travel agencies started to build their own channels to sell their products and services. In this…

Travel agencies
As known, many travel agencies play different roles in the industry. Each with a specific characteristics and responsibilities. In this blog, we will discover more about travel agency types and…

Worst-case scenario
Every travel agent. No, wait! Every businessman/woman has expected the best and worst cases that can happen in the industry and business as well. Worst case scenario is what everyone…

Fast growing travel agencies
The travel industry is an interesting yet, critical business to grow and follow the market trends.It’s easy to establish a travel agency and gain some customers, but it’s not as…

Sales management in travel and tourism industry
Before starting to explain sales management in travel and tourism industry, we need to briefly define what sales management is? Sales management is the process of developing a sales force,…