Every travel agent. No, wait! Every businessman/woman has expected the best and worst cases that can happen in the industry and business as well. Worst case scenario is what everyone should plan for regardless of how optimistic person you might be. Because the grass is not always green for you,many factors must be taken into consideration.
Lets together imagine what might be the worst-case scenario that can happen to any travel agency out there. Rates, content and services are the key points for any business. Together, the compose a closed, interconnected diagram.

You can’t compose this diagram once one of these factors is missing. Now, let’s go back to the worst-case scenario after we have identified the key points of the business.
Perfect case is when the three factors are available.Regular case is when one factor is missing. Bad case is when two of these factors are missing. But worse case scenario, is when none of the three factors emphasis your business.
The question that might run in your head now is how to perfectly build the structure for your business with the three elements mentioned above.
Main players in your industry will always be the answer for that. If you can’t provide a good content, rate, and services for your customers, it’s okay to let someone else do that for you.
To succeed in your industry and maintain your business, understanding your market and your product will be a key point to consider.Going solo might be one of the most critical aspects to destroy your business no matter how good you are. Remember, there is better.
In addition, you must be careful about how you are planning to partner with. How helpful will that partner be, and how many extra values will the partner add to your business.
To determine the efficiency of your partners or suppliers, take the following points into consideration:
- How rich their content iscomparing to your industry’s competitors?
- How fast is their company growing?
- How large their customers base is?
- Are they following your market’s trends?
- What are their distributions channels?
- Does your supplier have an emphasized presence in trade shows?
- Is your supplier popular among your global industry competitors?
Determine your supplier’s abilities and efficiency to decide the benefits you can drive to your business through their products and services.
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